Sunday, November 13, 2011

Anything Goes As Long As You Can Score Brownie Points

While I support the need for a strong opposition in our august Parliament, I fail to appreciate the role it is currently playing. Hardly a day goes by where the Opposition leaders don't comment on everything the Government has done. All are wrong. Their supporters are no different, many just make nasty remarks. Sometimes it is so sickening.
Everything they did are right and what the Government did are wrong. Even if what the Government did helped the people, it is wrong. They have become so bold that they do not give a hoot towards the feeling of the ordinary people.
Why can't we focus on improving our lives, grow the economy and develop the nation. When it is time for the general election, then go to the people and seek the mandate to rule. But, once the voters have make the decision, please respect it. Do not continue to play politics.
However, there are issues that involved public interest that must be raised by the opposition. But please use the right platform. Be factual and questioned hard in Parliament and the State Assemblies. You are welcome to expose the wrongdoings. Criticize when you must. The Rakyat will support.

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